NECTA: Tazama Matokeo kidato cha Pili, Form 2 results

By | September 2, 2023

 NECTA: Form Two National Assessment (FTNA) results

The Form Two National Assessment (FTNA) results are significant because they provide a comprehensive evaluation of students’ mastery of basic subjects and skills at the end of their second year of secondary education. The assessment covers core subjects such as English, Kiswahili, mathematics, science, and social studies. Here are some reasons why FTNA results are important:

Evaluates Student Learning Outcomes

FTNA results provide a detailed picture of students’ learning outcomes in various subjects, enabling teachers, parents, and school administrators to identify areas where students need improvement. This information helps teachers adjust their teaching methods and materials to better meet the needs of their students.

Identifies Strengths and Weaknesses

By analyzing FTNA results, educators can identify the strengths and weaknesses of individual students and the school as a whole. This information helps schools allocate resources more effectively and target areas that require improvement.


FTNA results offer a standardized benchmark for comparing student performance across different schools and regions. This enables educators to evaluate the effectiveness of their teaching methods and curricula and make necessary adjustments.

Preparation for Future Studies

FTNA results serve as a critical factor in determining students’ eligibility for advanced-level education, such as Form Four and university programs. A good performance in FTNA can increase students’ chances of securing admission to top-tier educational institutions.


FTNA results hold schools and educators accountable for providing high-quality education. By measuring student performance against established standards, FTNA results promote transparency and accountability in the education system.

In conclusion, NECTA Form Two National Assessment (FTNA) results are crucial in evaluating student learning outcomes, identifying strengths and weaknesses, benchmarking, preparing for future studies, and promoting accountability in the education system. These results provide valuable insights into the quality of education being delivered and help educators make informed decisions to improve student learning outcomes.

Check all Form two NECTA results